Mobile Mapping App for Tablets
Reduce errors and improve outcomes with in-field access to the up-to-date information you depend on to do your job well.
- Access your geospatial, engineering, and business data from the field.
- Use query tools to quickly find data.
- Locate assets with GPS-enabled features and driving directions.
- Access your database from anywhere, even without a network connection.
- Mark up your data with easy to use redline tools.
- Transfer markups back to the office using Bentley CONNECT or ProjectWise.
Bentley Map Mobile is currently available in the Google Play Store for use on Android tablets, in the Apple App Store for iPad tablets, and in the Bentley SELECT Software Fulfillment Center for 64-bit Windows 7, 8, and 10 desktops, notebooks and touch enabled tablet devices. It requires the use of Bentley Map Mobile Publisher to publish next-generation i-models from Bentley Map Enterprise, Bentley Map, Bentley Utilities Designer, and Bentley’s Communications products. Bentley Map Mobile is free to download but requires a Bentley CONNECT login and Bentley CONNECTIONS Passport for use.